Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome & Thanks: 2 Words 2 Often Misplaced

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

And welcome to the Levine Scholars blog. My name is Anna Bawtinhimer, and despite not knowing you it is a pleasure that you took your time to meet me. So, thank you. Sometimes I feel this combination of beautiful words is too often misplaced, not forgotten, just not used together as often as they should be. Nor can "thank you" ever be overused. The same goes for the spoken or unspoken "welcome." It is up to you to determine who and what you will invite into your life; how often and with what intent. The combination of invitation and thanks should culminate the continued beginnings and closures of whatever relationship we may form with another. Despite our "virtual" interaction, you and I are still people behind the text; this too should also never be discarded or diminished. Your worth in taking time to read and analysis our blog content has just as value and consequence as us Levine Scholars initiating the content.
So again, thank you for your time and thoughts.

Okay. . . moving along from the deep-thinking dialogue (well, temporarily - I'll admit to being the profound and poetic type). Just some fun, hopefully at least somewhat fascinating, facts about what I've been up to as both a Levine Scholar and general UNC-Charlotte student so far this freshman fall semester.

Before the adventure of college life even began, as you may already know from the video blog of NOLS posted below, the 14 Scholars embarked across the glorious Absorokas Mountain Range in Wyoming for 25 days, backpacking our essential supplies over 100 miles. Little did I realize at the time of being happy, cold, hungry, and even exhausted on, up, and over the ever-changing mountain landscapes how significant NOLS would have on enhancing my life. I found my experience not only weaving its way into my personal life by teaching my incredible patience and perspective, but also into my academic assignments and interests.

The first project I was assigned as a student at UNCC was through my honors English class. We had to take a "balloon ride" over someplace of our past and use this destination throughout the semester through a personal narrative and portfolio assignments. I subconsciously, well or consciously, revisited the mountains. The following link is the midterm portfolio for that course (Yes, a website; just another way UNCC offers interactive and engaging academics):

I hope you enjoy the journey I took, captured through the above website.

In addition to study and homework through my general education and Public-Health / Pre-Med specific courses, I have already become involved in several campus and off-campus activities both through the Levine Scholarship and general self-interest.

With the Levine Scholarship I have had the pleasure attending a Panther's football game, the Echo Foundation event held at the Mint Museum of Charlotte which fosters Elie Wiesel’s promotion of humanity, meeting influential people of the community and campus, and most recently hosting Jacqueline Novogratz (author of The Blue Sweater).
On campus I am a member of the Allied Health Club, American Medical Student Association (AMSA) , Campus Activities Board (CAB), and participate in a variety of volunteer activities. I most recently returned from the regional AMSA conference held in Nashville, Tennessee at Vanderbilt University. I am also seeking to connect UNC-Charlotte with Appalachian State University as a reviewer for Impulse, an undergraduate neuroscience journal headed through ASU. This entails editing two to three full length research articles per semester and returning my advise to the editor-in-chief for the scientific journal. If you are interested, online Impulse articles can be found at the following site:
. . . That's all for now. Till next post, thanks and go outside to enjoy your day to the fullest.
- Anna :)

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